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Permissions Policy

With the exception of “guest posts” written by others (see below), MageGate Games Inc. owns the content on this Web site. It is copyrighted in our name. The following Permissions Policy is intended to strike the right balance between getting our content widely distributed while at the same time protecting our intellectual property rights.

This policy is effective and last updated as of October 21, 2021.

MageGate Games Inc. (the permission grantor) is sometimes hereinafter referred to in this document as "our," "us," and "we," while the end user (permission seeker) is hereinafter referred to as "you," "your," or related terms.

Without Our Permission

Here’s what you are free to do without seeking our permission:

  1. Link to our site or to any specific public page, post, or subdomain on our site with the sole exception that you may not link to any private pages, posts, or subdomains that contain exclusive offers and/or members only content not intended for free and/or public consumption.
  2. Extract and re-post less than 200 words in total from our site, blog post(s), and/or any single MageGate Games product(s) on any other site, provided you link back to our site and/or to a MageGate approved distributor that sells our products (including Amazon, DriveThru RPG,, or MageGate Games directly), or to our original blog post you are excerpting. This permission includes content designated as Open Game Content but not Closed Game Content. Barring that exception, we consider said excerpts, extracts, and re-posts to fall within the definitions of "Fair Use" as defined by US copyright law. Any other use does NOT constitute "Fair Use" in our minds. If you have a compelling reason to use more than 200 words in total of of our work in yours, then please email us and make your case, stating why you feel it is necessary and how we will benefit from it. Our contact information is at the end of this document.
  3. Print off our blog posts and photocopy up to 50 copies for internal distribution within your own gaming group, company, or organization.
  4. You may use your own affiliate and/or referral links (whether ours own or those belonging to a third party program such as Amazon Associates). You may not defame, libel, slander, or otherwise tarnish or cause harm to our brand, company, or our officers, assigns, and/or employees, such as by using the word "scam" or in any way otherwise calling unwanted negative attention and publicity to us in an attempt to "clickbait" customers into clicking your affiliate or referral links to buy or sign up for our products and/or services. If you do this as a member of our affiliate and/or referral programs, you will be immediately terminated from any and all of our programs without recompense or recourse. Any bonuses, commissions, gifts, and/or perks you may have earned will be irrevocably forfeited to us and you will be permanently banned from our programs forever.

Not Without Our Permission

You must have the express written consent of MageGate Games Inc. to do any of the following:

  1. Use our content for ANY commercial purposes, including but not limited to, selling or licensing printed or digital versions of our content, IP, and/or other assets by any means, whether now known or hereafter devised, and in any area, region, country, or territory on Earth and throughout the Universe.

2 Alter, transform, or build upon our work, including but not limited to any content that is designated as Closed Game Content.

IMPORTANT: We are NOT responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission. We have no way to verify that such content has not been altered or otherwise tampered with by third parties outside our knowledge, permission, and control.

Re-posting and Translation Rights

We do not permit the re-posting of our posts in their entirety (see "Without Our Permission" above for the definition of what we consider to be "Fair Use"). This is because Google penalizes websites for publishing duplicate content. It often can’t tell which site hosts the original, so we risk being penalized for granting too broad a permission. In addition, we don’t allow the translation and publication of our work in other languages. We simply don’t have the resources to validate the quality of such work.

Guest Posts

Guest bloggers retain the copyright to the posts they write. Therefore, the above permission guidelines do not apply to their work. If you are interested in re-posting or publishing their content, you must contact them directly. We cannot serve as a broker, agent, or contact point.

Other Uses

OUR RIGHT TO CHANGE: Please note that we reserve the right to change this Permissions Policy at any time by notifying you of the existence and location of the new or revised privacy policy or by posting the changes online at our site.

Contact Us

If you have some use for our content that is not covered here, our designated IPO ("Intellectual Property Officer") is Jackson Dean Chase; he may be reached through our normal business email or the postal address below.

Postal address: MageGate Games Inc., 722 13th Ave SE, APT 304, Olympia, WA 98501-7319 USA.

Email for Rights and Permissions Questions: Use "” (without quotes, and replace the "AT" with an "@" also without quotes). Please put “Permissions Questions” in the subject line of your email.

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