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Legal Disclaimer and Terms

and Conditions of Service

Hey, there! Ready for more boring but important legal stuff? Great! Do your best Perry Mason impression and read on…

This Legal Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions of Service (also known as "T&C," "Terms and Conditions," "ToS," and "Terms of Service") was last updated October 21, 2021. Although this document touches on Open and Closed Game content, it is separate from our Legal Notice regarding such; that document goes into far more detail, and may supersede the information given here. That page also includes a copy of the OGL.


The use of the words, “our,” and “we,” shall be construed to mean MageGate Games Inc., and no other person or entity, corporate or otherwise. The use of the words, "you," "your" and "the recipient" shall be construed to mean you, the end user of our information, products, services, and/or websites, and no other person or entity, corporate or otherwise.

This is our official blog and website: 

The opinions we express here (and on any and all sites and/or subdomains under our control) do not necessarily represent those of any other person, company, or organization. The information we provide is on an “as-is” basis. We make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and/or blog and will not be held liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.

Endorsements and Testimonials: 

Except for the employees and products of MageGate Games Inc., any people or products featured on this site and/or blog do NOT equal our endorsement or testimonial unless one is specifically given.

Fair Use: 

Any content on this site and/or blog not owned or licensed by MageGate Games Inc. is used under “Fair Use” laws or as granted by the Open Gaming License ("OGL"). All copyrights, service marks, and/or trademarks remain the property of their owners, and no challenge to them is being made, inferred, or implied by our use. All our products that contain Open and/or Closed Game Content include the appropriate Legal Notice defining which content is Open or Closed, as well as the OGL license mandated by the rights holder for 5e products.

For questions regarding your Fair Use of our IP and other assets, please refer to our Permissions Policy.


All third party links are current and verified to be the correct content as of the date they are posted, but because this is the internet, we can’t be held responsible if the link destinations change and/or are replaced by content we have no control over. The only content we are responsible for is content we own on sites we control. We are not responsible for content by us that appears anywhere else because we have no control over what may have been done to it by third parties, including but not limiting to, quoting us out context, modifying our words or images, or altering links. See also our disclosure and policy on Affiliate Links in our Privacy Policy.


Unless specified otherwise, all offers (including but not limited to affiliate or referral programs, contests, drawings, gifts, giveaways, prizes, and raffles) made by us assume the recipient is located in the continental USA and able to access, download, be easily and cheaply shipped, and/or purchase from the site(s) indicated. No guarantee is given or implied that any offers will be available to those located outside the continental USA (this includes, but is not limited to Alaska, Hawaii, and US territories and possessions). All offers are subject to change or withdrawal at any time and without notice to you.


Please note that we reserve the right to change this Legal Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions of Service at any time by notifying you of the existence and location of the new or revised disclaimer and/or Terms and Conditions of Service or by posting the changes online at our site.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this legal disclaimer and/or terms and conditions of service, our designated DoLA ("Director of Legal Affairs") is Jackson Dean Chase; he may be reached through our normal business email or the postal address below.

Postal Address: MageGate Games Inc., 722 13th Ave SE, APT 304, Olympia, WA 98501-7319 USA.

Email for Legal Questions: Use "” (without quotes, and replace the "AT" with an "@" also without quotes). Please put “Legal Questions” in the subject line of your email.

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